

  • Windows Powershell PowerShell 7+
  • Thycotic Secret Server Web Service enabled
  • A user to authenticate with appropriate permissions to access desired objects.

Thycotic.SecretServer is available to download from the following locations:

Choose one of the following methods to obtain & install the module:

Option 1: Manual Install

You can manually copy the module to a desired PowerShell Modules path, PSModulePath.

The paths included in PSModulePath can be found using the following command:


Place the Thycotic.SecretServer module folder in one of the listed locations.

More: about_PSModulePath

There are multiple options for downloading the module files:

GitHub Release

  1. Download the latest release from GitHub
  2. Unblock & Extract the
  3. Copy the Thycotic.SecretServer folder to your "Powershell Modules" directory of choice.

Direct File Download

  1. Download the latest release file
  2. Unblock & Extract the archive
  3. Copy the Thycotic.SecretServer folder to your "Powershell Modules" directory of choice.

Warning SHA256: thycotic.secretserver_hash.txt


Validate Install:

Get-Module -ListAvailable Thycotic.SecretServer

# or

Get-InstalledModule Thycotic.SecretServer

Import the module:

Import-Module Thycotic.SecretServer

List Module Commands:

Get-Command -Module Thycotic.SecretServer

Get detailed information on specific commands:

Get-Help Get-TssSecret -Full

PowerShell Gallery does not contain releases after v60.4

  1. Open a PowerShell prompt

  2. Execute the following command:

Install-Module -Name Thycotic.SecretServer -Scope CurrentUser

Warning Windows PowerShell PowerShell 7+ must be used to download the module from the PowerShell Gallery.

Warning Windows PowerShell 5.1 TLS error: PowerShell Gallery only supports TLS 1.2 and above, errors noted here may be observed. You will need to start a new PowerShell session and set TLS to 1.2: [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12