Secret Server PowerShell Module

Welcome to the documentation site for the Thycotic.SecretServer module. You can use this module for automating your workflows in your environment to retrieve needed credentials securely. The module supports cross-platform use and can be used on Windows PowerShell and version PowerShell 7 or higher.

You can browse the Getting Started section to find details on installation, how to authenticate and working examples using the module.

The Commands section contains the help content on each function that can also be accessed using Get-Help in your PowerShell session.

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The content (scripts, documentation, examples, code) included in this site and the hosting repository is not supported under any Thycotic or Delinea Support program, agreement, or service. The code is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. The entire risk arising out of the code and content's use or performance remains with you. In no event shall Delinea, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the content be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the code or content, even if Delinea has been advised of the possibility of such damages.